Audionote taker
Audionote taker

After the recording is stopped, the student can click on some typed text, and it will play back the recording from that point. Anything the student writes serves as a “bookmark” or link to that part of the audio recording.ĪudioNote is an application available for laptops which performs the same function as the Livescribe Pen, but instead of writing in a notebook with a special pen, the student types notes on their laptop using AudioNote. This frees up the student to write as much or as little as they choose. Tapping on any of the your writing will play back to the corresponding part of the audio recording that took place while that portion was written. The pen records the class as the student takes notes in a special Livescribe notebook. The Livescribe Smartpen is another option for students who are eligible for notetaking accommodations.

audionote taker

You can also upload any corresponding Powerpoint slides or handouts, as well as add additional research as you study.

audionote taker

All you need to do is listen to and record the lecture using Audio Notetaker, and simply tap a button corresponding to your pre-setup labels (such as, “Important!, Didn’t Understand, Homework-related”, etc.) When you are reviewing the lecture, you then only listen to the bits of the recording you choose, and the software allows you to summarize what you’ve listened and write notes at that time. The software frees you up from having to write anything during the lecture.

audionote taker

#Audionote taker how to

We can install this software onto your computer or mobile phone and teach you how to use it. Disability and Access maintains a suite of licenses for Sonocent Audio Notetaker.

Audionote taker