Blackouts skyrocket global political unrest
Blackouts skyrocket global political unrest

blackouts skyrocket global political unrest blackouts skyrocket global political unrest

Blackouts can be the total shutdown of internet-based communications in a country or region, service-based blocking of specific two-way communication platforms, or bandwidth throttling that slows communications. Government-led internet blackouts are intentional disruptions of the internet or electronic communications. One tactic deployed by governments has been the use of internet disruptions, also known as blackouts, to hinder economic, social, and political rights. At the same time, however, recognizing that the internet is now one of the most valued ways for people to connect, authoritarian states and many governments in struggling democracies are increasingly cracking down on an open and inclusive digital space. With the rapid integration of internet-based technologies into almost every aspect of public and private life, the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights is rapidly becoming more relevant in the digital space.

#Blackouts skyrocket global political unrest free#

As communities around the globe increasingly rely on the internet to share and debate ideas, receive access to information, or conduct business, an open and inclusive internet helps promote economic inclusion, free expression, and social accountability. In the digital age, an open and inclusive internet is central to fostering democratic and civic engagement.

Blackouts skyrocket global political unrest